Future Leader?

Having finally received my certificate in the post with regards to the Online Networking Leicester Award, I have now begun my second - Future Leaders Leicester Award which is sponsored by Enterprise Rent-a-Car.
I had my first training session yesterday, 5-8pm, which at first I was dreading as it would be a long day at university from 10am till 8pm, but I was pleasantly surprised. The session was informative and informal, led by terrific examples of successful leaders (rather than managers).

What type of leader am I?
Having completed the Situational Leadership Styles Questionnaire, I was dominantly a 'coaching' leader, as opposed to an 'encouraging', 'delegating', or 'structuring' leader. Being a 'coaching' leader demonstrates high directive behaviour entwined with high supportive behaviour. I did expect this result, as I do not see myself as a delegator, and do enjoy getting stuck into the work myself.

What I also wasn't completely aware of, was the distinct difference between a manager and a leader - they both overlap so felt it was quite hard to distinguish the boundaries for both roles. The characteristics of a manger is to inform, interact and solve whereas the characteristics of a leader is to create, empower and inspire. Now that I have learnt this, it seems obvious how different the roles are.

Having met my group which I am going to be working with on this project, I am excited and keen to begin. I think it's great to work with people that are just as enthusiastic as myself.

The scenario we have been given is:
"In order to grow our business we need to continue to grow the number of rentals that we generate in the local community. What recommendations would you make to a local branch to ensure that this happens?"

Having been assigned a mentor, I am keen for a reply, and begin being regularly in contact with her. I am awaiting a response from the rest of the team, and we'll begin brainstorming from there.

Hopefully, this Leicester Award will give me an insight into whether being a 'future leader' is a path for me.


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