Women In Mining

On the 14th November, a colleague and myself attended the Women in Mining Conference based at K&L Gates. It was an annual education event, giving students an insight into potential careers in mining and resources.
The first lady to speak was Froydis Cameron, an inspiration successful geologist, whom empowered her audience that evening. The main aspects I took away from Froydis's speech, as she gave us a brief overview of her education and career so far, was to listen to yourself and make decisions that are best for you, and most importantly never be afraid to ask for help. It's comforting to hear that from a professional with such a diverse and successful career. As a geology undergraduate, it didn't occur to me that the mining industry would need anthropologists, biologists and medics just to name a few. The diversity of skills within the mining industry from both men and women is it's success, where there is no longer this perception of just men in the workplace.

Raminta Dereskeviciute was our second speaker for the evening, whom studied law at university, and now works within the metals and mining industry. This event was an eye opener, it hadn't occurred to me that someone without a geology degree could still enter the mining industry. It was great to hear a viewpoint from someone who wasn't a geologist within the mining sector.

It was an inspiring event that I recommend any undergraduates to attend. Not only was we able to network with the two speakers of the night, I also spoke to undergraduates and postgraduates from other universities from around the country, where we was able to discuss work experience gained so far, and tips for the future.


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