A much needed update to my blog
Since university has finished, I've had a much needed rest. I no longer blog for the department and so I thought it would be a good time to bring this blog back to life! I'm not the most creative of people, but I'm trying! It's 2:30pm, I'm in my dressing gown, and it may have taken me a few hours longer than what I wanted to, but I've finally found a background to my blog I'm in love with. I came across the image on flickr and decided to tile it. It's more than meets the eye and that's what I love. It's from the talented Linden Tea . It's a thin section kaleidoscope! When you first click on the blog, like me, you don't quite understand the background and what relevance it has. But dig a little deeper, and you appreciate it much more - it is the very basis of geology, a slice of a rock! I had a gander through Google, and was surprised to find how easy it was to make such an image. There's many app's to try! I might post a few o...