The most recent Geoscientist published for February 2014, included a double-paged spread featuring reader’s letters. The topic in hand from many readers was the role of fieldwork mapping which came about after Desmond Donovan questioned whether it was needed in the UK at all. Isle of Arran fieldwork group In agreeance with Andy Howard, who made the relevant point that mapping is actually a skill – despite the fact that it produces new up-to-date geologically relevant maps, is that it allows for an undergraduate like me, to question why a geologist interpreted a geological structure the way they did. It allows me to critically analyse someone else’s interpretation when I’m in the field and not to be afraid if I had a different view. Ultimately, as field maps are replaced and areas are becoming more detailed, the skill of mapping should be encouraged as the new map itself is just a by-product of one’s learning. The principles of fieldwork mapping I have learnt wit...