Impact on my Future Employability - My online CV

"Having searched Google, I didn't find myself. I thought I would have a digital footprint, as being a regular Facebook and Twitter user. After searching on, there are obviously other Jo Miles's in the world that have a greater presence online than me as I couldn't find myself on this website either. Although what did surprise me was that two of my best friends were in the 'Related People' section. Whether Jo Miles is a common name or not, I'd like to think I have an active presence online, but from this exercise I can see that I need to take advantage of social media to heighten my digital footprint further and actually be found when searched for by employers.” I wrote this at the beginning of the course and initially I was hoping to have a digital footprint by the end of the course. I searched for myself again on and although I did not come up on Facebook or Twitter again, I was pleasantly surprised to see my blog...