
Showing posts from July, 2013

Impact on my Future Employability - My online CV

"Having searched Google, I didn't find myself. I thought I would have a digital footprint, as being a regular Facebook and Twitter user. After searching on, there are obviously other Jo Miles's in the world that have a greater presence online than me as I couldn't find myself on this website either. Although what did surprise me was that two of my best friends were in the 'Related People' section. Whether Jo Miles is a common name or not, I'd like to think I have an active presence online, but from this exercise I can see that I need to take advantage of social media to heighten my digital footprint further and actually be found when searched for by employers.” I wrote this at the beginning of the course and initially I was hoping to have a digital footprint by the end of the course. I searched for myself again on and although I did not come up on Facebook or Twitter again, I was pleasantly surprised to see my blog...

My Learning Journey - My online CV

Having only just realised the importance of a personal brand online, it was fair to say when I searched for myself on that I did not have an effective digital footprint. I was disappointed with this and so here is my blog – the beginning of my digital footprint. My first ever fieldwork experience in Geology was at Colchester Sixth Form College. I was 17 and visited the Isle of Arran for a week. This was not a compulsory trip, but felt it was necessary to get out in the field, and see real formations for myself. It allowed me to practice my strike and dip in the field, which I am now completely happy with calculating by myself.  This took place at Easter in 2011, where we worked in small groups during the day, getting to know what it feels like to be a geological mapper, followed by one days’ worth of independently mapping. Easter 2013, I returned to the Isle of Arran and completed another ten days of fieldwork but in a different area of the island. Not only...

My Personal Brand - My online CV

I am a first year Geology undergraduate at the University of Leicester, with a particular interest in applied Geology such as mining and oil/gas exploration. My goal of this networking Leicester Award is to understand the importance of making a personal brand online, effectively showing my talent and potential as a future employee as I progress on to my second year at the university. I hope to eventually distinguish myself from other Geology undergraduates in the same field and I hope to show this from the beginning of my reflective blog. My audience: you; will be potential employers as well as peers who enjoy a similar amount of enthusiasm for Geology. I believe it is important to not only be enthusiastic, but passionate about your subject area. The aim of the next three reflective blogs will hopefully give you an insight into being a Geology undergraduate in a very challenging and competitive market, which may create awareness of the issues undergraduates face. I hope to port...

Dominican Republic 2013

Sorry for the lack of blogging, I've been holidaying in the Dominican Republic. Here are a few photos of the fun I've been up to: On the 'Bridge to Nowhere' Getting ready before our big adventure... Ziplining through the Samana rainforest White water rafting  White water rafting team Practicing before the 13km session The route ahead Floating with the flow of the river In my element It's been a fun filled two weeks, so sorry for the lack of blogging.