
Showing posts from August, 2018

Communicating science

It's surprising how times change and how time flies. I'm sat in the sofa in the spare room with a warm glass of red wine, spending my bank holiday Sunday evening blogging... It's been two years since I've posted anything on here. I'd say the usual excuse I don't have the time. But if you enjoy something, you should make time. I recently tweeted an image linking the importance of mining to smart phone technology and I've been completely blown away by the reception. In just two days, it's reached over 32,000 timelines and over 1000 people have engaged with the tweet! Bar a few negative tweets, I've been messaged and tweeted by members of the public engaging with mining statistics and fascinated by production and recycling of raw materials. Often, people don't make the link between how the cars we drive, the phones we use, the laptop I'm blogging on - all these components came from the ground. It's important to carry on researching how ...