International Development Programme - A Brit at the UofA
Having only been in Tucson, Arizona for a mere two weeks, it has become apparent to me the importance of extra-curricular activities, in particular sports on campus. From this observation, I hope to integrate into the community through attending sporting games and fixtures, to get the complete UofA Wildcat fan experience. When I walked around campus for the first time, I was astounded by the scale and amount of sporting buildings: baseball, football, just to name a few. The paths on campus were reminders of the UofA’s success: lamposts with flags praising the success of sporting teams were just the beginning. My first reaction to the facilities on campus alone, reinforced why USA does so well in the Olympics. The extent of the facilities available: an Olympic sized swimming pool, climbing walls, 3 gyms, sand volleyball pitches, were vast and just incredible in comparison to those we have available at Leicester. I would like to research further for my next blog, to see the extent o...